Last weekend I was able to attend LongCon in Longview, TX. I had a work trip to the Nashville area that ended on Friday and I figured it was better to do the 9 hour drive to LongCon than it was to fly home and then drive five hours
back the way I came from.....
...screw that.
I only scheduled two games, one Friday Night and one Saturday night, but I did manage to get in some demo of how the Gladiator games went at NTRPG Con. Friday Night was Battletech, which I was so out of my depth I might as well have been functionally illiterate. I enjoyed the company and tried to enjoy the game, but I highly doubt I'll ever play it again. Hit a nostalgic bit in me as well, not necessarily in a good way, so......I'll pass. I do think there were some actual game issues that made the table play a bit lop-sided, but that's the way the dice fall sometimes.
Saturday night was Crashvs Maximus (I think I misspelled that correctly) and I struggled a little bit on that game. It was a point-buy game where you got to build a custom racer and I thought the game was going to go one way and it largely didn't, which means my build was far from optimized. I expected a LOT more combat and my dice were not with me that night. Still very enjoyable and I managed to limp in a 3rd place win with one fatigue left. There were only two other chariot team left and they were speed demons, so they were actually racing. It was a learning experience for me and I only got as far as I did through dumb luck and persistence. Glad I didn't bail on the game when it was clear I didn't have a chance in hell in placing through my own efforts, which was obvious to me by the third turn.
I did a lot more gaming shopping than I expected and I did some extra off-site shopping as well:
I have noticed I am getting worse and worse at remembering names....I am 53 after all. Luckily I am reasonable sure I can figure out the first purchase was from
Ettin Games out of Houston. He's a regular, and IIRC generous, vendor at NTRPG Con. I bought all these minis for a total of $20. There is an issue with the smaller dragon-like mini that I honestly didn't even notice, but the vendor made sure I was aware of (
I kind of feel like an ass-hat since i can't recall names worth a damn)
There were several vendors that had laser-engraved items and since I
own a couple of laser engravers (
just obtained a larger/stronger model) I don't look too closely at items I could conceivably make at home, BUT....if it's cool enough I'm going to take notice anyway. One guy had these cute little "chibi" miniatures that were not just laser cut, but engraved front & back. The package that was "one of each" was something like $15. They were small, lightweight, and cost effective.....i.e. they were Frugal!
I did check out a FLGS and they had a lot of board games and I was able to procure two expansions for Zombie Dice, which I had recently brought to game with my coworkers while on that business trip. I also found some minis I wanted to add to my largely unused and unpainted collection......
......oh, and as a general rule if I step into a mom & pop game store, I am going to be buying something as a matter of course.
I don't play OSE, although I'd like to. One of the artists there had a couple of OSE adventures that he had written and they were $15 each, which felt kind of high, BUT he had included a larger folded map, maybe 11" x 17" in size. I liked the fact there was a larger map so I was sold.
I also bought some of his art, which I now remember that the guy's name was
Jacob Fleming. He had art for display, a note that it was for sale, but it was clear he's new at selling at cons and he didn't have prices or any means of handing over protected pieces that were sold. I try to buy a piece of art every convention and I love Black & White art. There was a fair bit of his work I didn't care for, but I can say that about pretty much any given artist. This one action piece.....I don't think I've ever seen depicted before and I had to have it. Luckily I wasn't gouged, or maybe I was.....I wasn't displease, so it wouldn't matter. I can't wait to get this framed and into rotation on my wall, or maybe in my new library.

Another game I don't really play outside of the odd convention game, but would like to change, is DCC. I think I have a DCC Handbook in print and I know I have a MCC Handbook, but when Goodman Games is selling softcovers of both for $10 a pop.....I stocked up. Definitely not Frugal, but hear me out. If I have enough books to supply potential players, then it is more likely that said potential players show up. I was given a freebie adventure and I also bought a quick reference booklet as well. $60 for all this? Helluva deal in my book.

I did also toss $40 in the kitty that was the convention raffle. LongCon's raffle was quick, down & dirty...and I liked it, but of course I would because I won what I wanted to win. Instead of raffling off individual items, they made stack of product, maybe 10 or so, and if your ticket was called, you got to go up and pick one of the remaining stacks of stuff as your prize. I had bought a couple of the aforementioned DCC/MCC books and I had my eye on this Dying Earth Box set. It wasn't really the box set, but a series of adventures for that setting, and a Kickstarter-only backer bonus box. If I need to get the *actual* box set, I will, but it was a lot of stuff for $40 worth of tickets. IIRC the hardcover book wasn't Dying Earth, but another setting book. Made me want to get the other MCC/DCC books I picked up.